Sunday, July 13, 2008

Introductory Notice

I have created this blog so that people can post works of fiction, poetry, memoir, or anything else for feedback or just the joy of sharing. I only have a few rules I would like to propose:
1) All work submitted must be your original work or a quotation from another author CLEARLY CITED.
2) Please limit comments to praise or constructive criticism. "This sucks" rarely helps anyone.
Any submission is welcome, from short stories and poetry to essays in need of assistance.
Those wishing to contribute may contact me.


numero-seis said...

rose, i love this idea! could you grant me admin status? i'll put something up then.

RACL said...

Yes. Let me just go get your email adress.

numero-seis said...

fabulous, thanks.

Aurora said...

Hola! This is an idea muy bueno. What are the chances that I could throw in a submission?